Sunday, May 17, 2009


Can you believe it?? yep today is the day for something new~! We had a two day District conference today it was different. We had it tele-via dish to the chapels in the Eastern states Missions. President Iriing was the main speaker. He talked for over an hour. It was most wonderful spirit within our Ogdensburg chapel. We had 30 there..thats good for us.. since we started we had 10 including the Missionaries(and us). Pres. EYRING talked about reorganizing a Prophet, being fugal and putting your whole trust in the Lord. Does not sound new..but it was the manner and spirit that was present. We really have been working very diligently. Papa has been assigned as the Elders Quorum President for that branch. In order to have Branch presidency meetings each week at 8:30, he has to go pick-up the Branch pres. at 7:10 to get there. The sister Missionary's here in Canton have been assigned to take me to that Branch twice a month so that we can be together.. due to there investigators they need to be in the Potsdam Branch twice a month also.. then I can be there also for the ones we are working with. It is vital that we be there for them.. so they feel comfortable and know someone. Sister Hanson is a Concert Pianist and has a lovely voice also.. she is from "via Las VEGAS". Mothers day was a real Miracle. We had 40 show up for we really had a wonderful spiritual Meeting for them.. I had Sister Hanson play and sing.. they were not prepared for that.. it was so inspiriting and it lifted every ones spirits.. I was asked to give a talk..I did briefly talk about Grandma Lee and all the wonderful Mentors in my life.. Especially My daughters.. they have taught me so much.. then we are told by our Mission Pres. to just touch on the subject they want us to give.. but go directly into "PMG"... SO I went into the Spiritual and biblical Mothers.. I gave some thougths about "Hellman's 2000 warriors" just what there mothers taught them about the gospel and to have no fear.. You might be aware that in the Bible the Lord says a little over 325 times "Do not fear".. I think he was serious.. We must know what the our Savior expects of us.. and learn of him.. then have "NO Fear"... When your a missionary you cannot have fear.. it keeps you from the Wonderful and Life Experiences you will never forget..also with everyone of you in life.. STEP OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE..BE OF GOOD CHEER... Now I would like to say a few things that we have been trying to teach the New Members and our Investigators.. its about The way we dress and act.. when we do come to Church we should come dressed like to meet our Savior.. We do this when we come to partake of the Sacrament.. it is such a wonderful part of what he can do for our selfs.. and have Gratitude for our Savior and all he has done for us. It is so important to dress in the Best we have.. it does not need to be new or fancy.. Just clean and pressed.. So I will teaching a new member how to Iron.. yep.. she has never had one or does not know how to use one.. This will help her keep her "Temple clothes" pressed also.. They are preparing for that Blessed event this fall.. Papa and I are busy helping at the present time with some "How to plant a garden".. yep right up his ally.. The District President and the Potsdam Branch Pres. is always expressing there gratitude for us being there to help them.. to work with the members that need extra care TLC.. They all seem to love to have us come and teach and they are responding now in coming out and helping others.. That is Success.. oooh I almost forgot.. Since Papa is the E.Q. Pres. we can implement some activities.. So mothers day we had a "Linger-Longer" for some of you its a Potluck after the 3hour block.. at least once a month.. this we have been trying to get into place.. President Jones from the Mission Presidency was there last month and support Papas suggestion.. so it was a great success.. as I mentioned 40 there that Sunday.. We have some other Ideas for some Branch activities this summer.. so we can bring more into the fold.. It is so wonderful when they say there coming and come!! The biggest heartbreak is for several to say "I'll be there" and then not come.. for some several weeks they tell us.. But we are praying and have some goals and a plan to carry them out. Thanks for all that I have asked to aid us in teaching.. I called several and you know who you are.. we had a very difficult teenager very obnoxious.. rude the works.. So I did what I was advised from some of you that work with these wonderful teenagers.. = I got a Beautiful box had some pencil and fun it; plus a timer.. Then when we arrived.. the 7yr old twins wanted it.. But I said now this is K(the 13yr old) she is in charge.. so when everyone is here we will start.. when they arrived all 7 I asked for all the cell phones..putting mine in the box..papa looked at me and said me too..Yes everyone.. then i gave the box to K.. then I told her that she was fully in charge of the get together.. so you set the timer for how long we will be..when it goes off we will close with prayer.. she seemed delighted..also that the paper was for them to write any word about the lesson that they felt was important.. Then I turned the time over to the father.. for prayers etc.. Papa included her in the lesson.. she read as everyone from the Scriptures.. we were about over with songs and all.. but the timer was still going.. hehehe she set it for 50 min.. (just to back up she had said the week prior that we took to long.. and she was tired.) Interesting that she felt that we took longer.. but we never stay over an hour. She had the most interesting words..and questions.. it was a success and everyone seemed to work together.. she felt valued and knew we really love them... and want to help them to get prepared for the family sealing..
Well this is just one.. Last week we had one of the Most Spiritual experiences here.. I will write it and share it another time.. we get to go teaching another wonderful couple.. so got to run.. remember we love you.. "Our Savior sends us his love like the sunshine in his warm and gentle way.. to fill each corner of our hearts each moment of each of our days.."

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